On a chilly late afternoon in January we were joined by 4 teams representing Ridgeway, Berkhamsted and Gossoms End at 1st Berkhamsted hut all eager to take part in the District cooking competition.
We watched them unpack all the necessary equipment, the very varied ingredients, menus ,costings and table settings. Everyone looked very smart.
Promptly at 5pm the cooking began- and so did the judging. We were impressed with the team work- each team member had their particular tasks and shared the limited space well. We were also very impressed with the high standards of hygiene with plenty of bowls of warm soapy water for hands and equipment.
Soon the pleasant aromas from the variety of different meals filled the room. Soon some teams were well on their way whilst others took a little longer to prepare and clear up! There were the challenges of only having 2 rings on which to cook, which courses were hot and which cold but getting into the coconuts was definitely the biggest challenge!
Tables were laid and decorated with candles petals and flowers and it was time for us as judges to taste the offerings. The theme for this year was India and all teams produced some fabulous food. Our challenge was tasting 4 different starters, 4 different mains and 4 different desserts! All teams were very generous with their portions and although we tried very hard we couldn't eat it all- but we did really enjoy every dish.
Judging was really difficult- each team losing points-and the gaining them back in other elements.
Eventually all the clearing up was completed and we were able to announce- in a competition only separated by 7 points - that the winners were 1st Berkhamsted who will go on to represent the District at County level in early February.
Many thanks to all the participating teams- and their supporters for the hard work they all put in. Thanks also to Paul and Jackie for their help on the night as well as the use of their hut and hot water.
Good luck in the next competition